Middle Elevations - 1,000 - 1,700 meters
Middle Elevations include a high plateau where the majority of the inhabitants reside. This area is known as the Central Valley. It has springlike temperatures throughout most of the year. That, together with the ability to travel to any of the other areas of the country, makes it a special place to live indeed. The Middle Elevations also include the Valle del General, more to the south, as well as, the various Cloud Forests. |
Finca Caballo Loco
One Saturday in June, twenty-six Members of the BCCR gathered at the Finca Caballo Loco ("Crazy Horse Farm") northwest of Ciudad Colón ("Columbus City") near
the capitol of Costa Rica for the club's for the one actual business meeting of the year.
Many arrived at 6 AM with Patrick for a little birding first and they saw 33 species and heard 9 for a total of 42 species, including a
Fiery-billed Aracari and a Gartered Trogon.
Our Treasurer reported at that meeting that we had 111 members currently.
Our Facebook page manager noted that we had 700 followers in 37 countries.
This website clocked an accumulated total of over 9,000 hits by the end of this fiscal year.
Our chairman reported that we had 13
birding trips this year, organized by 14 different members.
Thanks to our very active members, it was a very good year.
Laguna Doña Ana and Lankester Botanical Garden Ten intrepid members showed up at 6 AM atLaguna Doña Anna, a lovely park in Paraiso, near Cartago, to guide themselves on day trip around the area. While winding their way around the lagoon, they were treated to an extended viewing of a pair of Green Ibis probing the muddy bottom of a low, damp grassy area. The center of the lagoon was covered with blooming water lilies where they saw Least Grebe, Northern Jacana, Common Gallinule, Green Heron, Little Blue Heron, and Great Egret. The great asset of the park is lots of trees and water habitat all in one place. Later, they went over to Lankester Botanical Garden, about 1 km away, where they enjoyed strolling through the various habitats in the gardens with their avian residents and took a look into the orchid display area there. About 11:30 they regrouped at Restaurant Casa Vieja for a leisurely lunch on the enclosed veranda of a lovely old building which has served travelers along the road for many years. |
There they compiled the bird list, which included 48 seen and 1 heard for a total of 49 species.
Las Bromelias Lodge
Pat led 13 members on a 3-day trip to the Las Bromelias Lodge on the northern slope of the Rincon de la Vieja volcano. The group was surprised by great weather with little rain and nights cool enough for a light blanket. The secondary forest behind the lodge yielded a rare White-chinned Swift, Pale-billed Woodpecker, and long looks at a Keel-billed Motmot on the first afternoon. |
The total count for the trip was 140 seen and 30 heard, for a trip total of 170 species.